
Trump Limits Abortion!


Today in Current Events from a Christian Perspective: First off, I wanted to thank those that said I was not being faithful to Jesus Christ by saying that our country is better off under Donald Trump than Biden. This just reminds me why I do what I do. I have no idea where these people are getting their information, but here is 30 seconds of why that is the most ridiculous claim.

Under the Biden administration, they persecuted pro life Christians by putting them in prison for protesting the murder of babies. They weaponized the DOJ to specifically target Catholics as potential terrorists because of their Christian beliefs. He brought topless trans people to the White House lawn for a party. They tried to force an untested medical treatment on all of America with penalty of job loss or worse, and many did lose their jobs because of it. The admin appointed a Supreme Court justice who could not define a woman. And on and on. Even after the election, the DNC opened one of their meetings with this ridiculous anti-Christian garbage VID - DNC prayer lady Um sorry, what is universe energy? Well that is certainly anti-Christian.

Meanwhile, I've already reported several moments of Trump and Vance and others praying, singing and thanking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You may not like him. And I don't love him, but he is certainly better than the former from a Christian perspective and if you cannot see that, you may want to read your Bible more and you certainly should not keep listening to this podcast.

If you are brave enough though, listen on and we will look at Current Events from a Christian perspective.

All this and more today on ChurchPublic!

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